the retriever weekly 🐾

I worked as the assistant opinions editor at The Retriever Weekly, where I wrote op-eds on national politics and culture. Check out some of my work, but be gracious! (I was in college, okay?)

The sad new normal – The Retriever

A shooter walks into a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand and kills 50 worshipers. The nation mourns and the entire world sympathizes alongside them. The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, even visits the site of the shooting. However, during her speech of condolences, she makes a remarkable promise.

“Our gun laws will change,” she says. Without speaking to her colleagues in office, she utters these five words in complete confidence. Sure enough, six days later, something happens.

The exhaustion behind climate change – The Retriever

Climate change is going to be a crucial issue in the next election. Polls from Yale and the Center for American Progress show that climate change is a top issue, and it has been covering major headlines in the last few months.

Everyone has heard about this issue by now. Humans have taken advantage of the earth and its resources; sea levels, carbon emissions and the surface temperature have drastically risen in the last 150 years. Now, we are in danger of damaging the entire ecosystem and pushin

One year after Black Panther, Black History Month feels different – The Retriever

This Black History Month feels different to me. The coverage I have seen lacks the same level of emphasis on the black people who have done amazing and inspiring things throughout the past. The media has become distracted by the government shutdown, 2020 presidential candidates and award shows like the Grammys. The spotlight has been taken away from Black History Month.

One difference between last February and this February is the debut of the movie, “Black Panther.” “Black Panther” is a black

Cancel “cancel culture” – The Retriever

Less than two months ago, the docuseries “Surviving R. Kelly” reported the jarring stories of sexual assault, physical abuse and statutory rape by famous R&B singer, R. Kelly. He has since denied these allegations but has been sued by the city of Chicago for ten counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse.

Social communities have erupted in rage and disappointment. Black Twitter has created hashtags and campaigns to #MuteRKelly that seem to be working. Spotify has removed him from all their play

No such thing as normal: the argument against turning a blind eye – The Retriever

The views expressed in this article are the views of the author.

There is an ongoing conversation about normalcy; about what is and is not, what should and should not be. We are undoubtedly living in uncharted territory, with more countries sinking into nationalism each day. This prompts the question, why are we so far off balance? Can we ever get back to normal? This has been an age-old cry from nostalgics, who claim that things were always better “back in my day.” You can see this everywhere:

Diagnosing “Washington-Entitlement Syndrome” – The Retriever

Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein went viral on Twitter on Friday Feb. 22 because she was visited by a group of teenage and preteen students who had concerns about climate change and asked the senator to support the Green New Deal.

The Green New Deal is a bill championed by Congressional freshman and democratic-socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who represents the 14th congressional district of New York. The bill pushes polarizing progressive policies including 100 percent clean and renewable

Warren’s role in the Democratic party’s future – The Retriever

We are amidst very deciding times with the 2020 presidential election coming up and the future of the country at stake. As Biden put in his presidential bid video, we are in the midst of “a battle for the soul of this nation.” Likewise, I believe this next presidential election is also about the future of the Democratic party.

Right now, the left is divided between the progressives and the centrists. Both sides are fighting for the future of the party. The difference is emphasized between the t

Trump: Countercultural icon or con man? – The Retriever

The views expressed in this article are the views of the author.

Social conservatives love the term “culture war.” Simply put, the culture war is a long-standing conflict between progressives and conservatives over the values, morals and ideals of American culture. Before, people argued their vision for America on traditional debate platforms: broadcast television, political debates and congressional hearings. Now, with the invention of social media and the 24-hour news cycle, any American can

Democracy is at stake: It’s time for impeachment – The Retriever

The views expressed in this article are the views of the author.

It’s a well-known fact that President Donald Trump is not well-liked. Currently, his job approval rating sits around 44 percent. He has gone down as the most unpopular president since the poll’s origin. The American public doesn’t like him.

The economy gave Trump redemption. However, in a time of plenty, a lot of Trump’s antics slipped under the radar. His subtle jabs toward fascism were quickly struck down by the courts, taken b

Hustle culture: All pain, no gain – The Retriever

The views expressed in this article are the views of the author.

Hard work is no stranger to me. As the firstborn son to well-educated black Caribbean immigrants, my parents instilled within me the idea of earning your seat at the table. I firmly believe every word that both my parents spoke about focusing on a goal and doing everything within your power to get it, and I practice these teachings every day in every facet of my life.

However, last semester, I took it too far. I was taking 15 cre

Who is American? – The Retriever

The views expressed in this article are the views of the author.

America is, essentially, a nation of exiles. Since its inception, this nation has invited people of every lifestyle to join a community that, ideally, celebrates diversity of culture, ideas and nationalities. America strives to become a land of multiculturalism, promoting excellence. America is “a land of opportunity.” A “melting pot” of sorts.

But who is an American?

Primarily, the American identity holds roots within immigrati

Freedom is not free: Hoops and Hong Kong – The Retriever

The views expressed in this article are the views of the author.

Currently, the National Basketball Association (NBA) is in the midst of an international crisis, dealing with freedom of expression and speech. Houston Rockets executive Daryl Morey came under fire for tweeting in support of the protests in Hong Kong. On Oct. 8, Morey tweeted, “Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong,” referencing the massive pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong.

Since the incident, the NBA published a statement w

Continue to publicly shame the Republican party – The Retriever

The views expressed in this article are the views of the author.

On Thanksgiving Eve, former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley (D) bumped into the Deputy Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Ken Cuccinelli at a pub in DC. There, according to witnesses, the former Governor berated Cuccinelli for enacting policies to target and subjugate immigrant families and children. O’Malley shamed Cuccinelli for following the racist and xenophobic themes exuded by the Trump administration. The a

America is not for sale – The Retriever

The views expressed in this article are the views of the author.

Two weeks ago, twelve candidates lined the stage at the October Democratic Presidential Debate to convince the Ohio crowd — and the American public — why they are the best choice for America. The debate went as expected; front-runners tried to stay ahead, middle-of-the-pack candidates tried to make a name for themselves with soundbites and cute quips and Cory Booker stood there talking about love again. However, one candidate join

A case against centrism – The Retriever

The views expressed in this article are the views of the author.

Two more candidates joined the caravan of Democrats eager to prove to the world that they belong in the White House over President Trump. Or, at least, on the debate stage with Trump. According to the Boston Globe, democratic elites are worried about the current crop of candidates. These elites are generally economically conservative and socially progressive. How lucky are we? Sure, they hold massive amounts of wealth and power, b